Diskussionsveranstaltung: „Reformen in der Ukraine – ist das Glas halb voll oder halb leer?”

Am Mittwoch, den 6. Dezember, findet in der estnischen Botschaft in Berlin eine Diskussionsveranstaltung statt zum Thema „Reformen in der Ukraine. Ist das Glas halb voll oder halb leer?”
Die Veranstaltung findet auf Englisch statt. Anbei der englische Veranstaltungshinweis.
Public debate: “Reforms in Ukraine — is the glass half-full or half-empty?”
Introduction by H.E. Dr. Mart Laanemäe, Ambassador of the Republic of Estonia to Germany
With Anders Fogh Rasmussen, Founder and Chairman of Rasmussen Global
Pavlo Klimkin, Foreign Minister of Ukraine (Tbc)
Marieluise Beck, Centre for Liberal Modernity and former Parliamentary State Secretary
John Lough, Associate Fellow, Russia and Eurasia Programme, Chatham House
Wednesday, 6 December, 10:00 – 12:00 (followed by a light lunch buffet)
Venue: Embassy of Estonia in Berlin, Hildebrandstraße 5, 10785 Berlin.
The Centre for Liberal Modernity and the Embassy of Estonia in Berlin cordially invite you to a Public Debate on the achievements and remaining challenges for the reform programme in Ukraine.
Four years after the start of its ‘Euromaidan’ revolution, Ukraine has reformed and deepened its ties with the West. Still, more needs to be done to transform Ukraine, improve the social and economic situation and fully deliver on Kyiv’s new commitments under the EU Association Agreement.
Despite the accomplishments of the past three years, resistance to reforms remains wide and their benefits are yet to trickle down. And with the presidential and parliamentary elections approaching, reform momentum might decelerate as populist forces are emboldened to further stall the process.
With Russia’s aggression against Ukraine ongoing and domestic politics much more animated, what can Kyiv do to continue advancing reforms? And what steps can its European partners take to support forces of progress inside the country?
At the beginning of the event, the key theses of Chatham House’s new Ukraine report Struggle for Reforms will be presented.
This event is supported by Chatham House, the Embassy of Ukraine and Rasmussen Global.
Please register for this event as soon as possible at rita.warfia@mfa.ee.