Dis­kus­si­ons­ver­an­stal­tung: „Refor­men in der Ukraine – ist das Glas halb voll oder halb leer?”

© Nick Sav­chenko, CC BY-SA 2.0

Am Mitt­woch, den 6. Dezem­ber, findet in der est­ni­schen Bot­schaft in Berlin eine Dis­kus­si­ons­ver­an­stal­tung statt zum Thema „Refor­men in der Ukraine. Ist das Glas halb voll oder halb leer?”

Die Ver­an­stal­tung findet auf Eng­lisch statt. Anbei der eng­li­sche Veranstaltungshinweis.


Public debate: “Reforms in Ukraine — is the glass half-full or half-empty?”


Intro­duc­tion by H.E. Dr. Mart Laanemäe, Ambassa­dor of the Repu­blic of Estonia to Germany

With Anders Fogh Ras­mus­sen, Founder and Chair­man of Ras­mus­sen Global

Pavlo Klimkin, Foreign Minis­ter of Ukraine (Tbc)

Marie­luise Beck, Centre for Liberal Moder­nity and former Par­lia­men­tary State Secretary

John Lough, Asso­ciate Fellow, Russia and Eurasia Pro­gramme, Chatham House

Wed­nes­day, 6 Decem­ber, 10:00 – 12:00 (fol­lo­wed by a light lunch buffet)

Venue: Embassy of Estonia in Berlin, Hil­de­brand­straße 5, 10785 Berlin.


The Centre for Liberal Moder­nity and the Embassy of Estonia in Berlin cor­di­ally invite you to a Public Debate on the achie­ve­ments and remai­ning chal­lenges for the reform pro­gramme in Ukraine.

Four years after the start of its ‘Euro­mai­dan’ revo­lu­tion, Ukraine has refor­med and deepe­ned its ties with the West. Still, more needs to be done to trans­form Ukraine, improve the social and eco­no­mic situa­tion and fully deliver on Kyiv’s new com­mit­ments under the EU Asso­cia­tion Agreement.

Despite the accom­plish­ments of the past three years, resis­tance to reforms remains wide and their bene­fits are yet to trickle down. And with the pre­si­den­tial and par­lia­men­tary elec­tions approa­ching, reform momen­tum might dece­le­rate as popu­list forces are embol­dened to further stall the process.

With Russia’s aggres­sion against Ukraine ongoing and dome­stic poli­tics much more ani­ma­ted, what can Kyiv do to con­ti­nue advan­cing reforms? And what steps can its Euro­pean part­ners take to support forces of pro­gress inside the country?

At the begin­ning of the event, the key theses of Chatham House’s new Ukraine report Struggle for Reforms will be presented.

This event is sup­ported by Chatham House, the Embassy of Ukraine and Ras­mus­sen Global.


Please regis­ter for this event as soon as pos­si­ble at rita.warfia@mfa.ee.