Die bal­ti­schen Länder fordern ein Sondertribunal

Foto: Chris­toph Hardt /​ Imago Images

In einer gemein­sa­men Erklä­rung haben die Außen­mi­nis­ter Est­lands, Lett­lands und Litau­ens die Ein­rich­tung eines Son­der­tri­bu­nals zur Unter­su­chung des Ver­bre­chens der rus­si­schen Aggres­sion gefordert.

„Die wich­tigs­ten Draht­zie­her, Anstif­ter und Ver­mitt­ler dieser mör­de­ri­schen Aggres­sion können sich nicht einfach auf­grund der Lücke in der inter­na­tio­na­len Straf­ge­richts­bar­keit der Justiz ent­zie­hen“, heißt es darin. 

Joint State­ment by the Minis­ters of Foreign Affairs of Estonia, Latvia and Lithua­nia on the need to ensure accoun­ta­bi­lity for Russia‘s crimes in Ukraine

Ahead of EU dis­cus­sions on Russia’s aggres­sion against Ukraine, we, the Minis­ters of Foreign Affairs of Estonia, Latvia and Lithua­nia, are calling for a Euro­pean Union’s effort in support of Ukraine’s aim to ensure Russia‘s accoun­ta­bi­lity for its aggres­sion against Ukraine.

The rules-based inter­na­tio­nal order, which we all strive to defend, cannot survive if there is impu­nity for the deeds that violate it most bla­tantly – geno­cide, war crimes, crimes against huma­nity, and crime of aggression.

Recent deli­be­rate tar­ge­ting of civi­lian homes, schools and play­grounds, as well as civi­lian infra­struc­tures across Ukraine is just the latest episode of Russia’s unpro­vo­ked terror cam­paign against Ukrai­nian people. As Russia‘s brutal assault against Ukraine con­ti­nues, the EU must act to ensure that seeking justice and accoun­ta­bi­lity for Russia‘s hor­ri­fic crimes in Ukraine is at the center of our policy.

We must con­ti­nue sup­port­ing the ongoing inves­ti­ga­ti­ons by Ukraine, a number of other states, as well as the Inter­na­tio­nal Cri­mi­nal Court since it plays a key role in coll­ec­ting evi­den­tial mate­ri­als, iden­ti­fy­ing and punis­hing those respon­si­ble for the war crimes, geno­cide and crimes against huma­nity com­mit­ted in Ukraine.

Our efforts, however, must not end there.

Curr­ently there is no inter­na­tio­nal court or tri­bu­nal that could bring Russia’s top poli­ti­cal and mili­tary lea­der­ship to account for com­mit­ting the crime of aggres­sion against Ukraine. The Special Tri­bu­nal for the Punish­ment of the Crime of Aggres­sion against Ukraine has to be estab­lished to fill this juris­dic­tional loophole. The EU tog­e­ther with our part­ners must be at the center of this effort.

Estab­lish­ment of the Special Tri­bu­nal would com­ple­ment the role of the ICC. While the ICC would pro­se­cute indi­vi­du­als for war crimes, geno­cide and crimes against huma­nity, the Special Tribunal’s core respon­si­bi­lity would be the crime of aggression.

The key mas­ter­minds, ins­ti­ga­tors and faci­li­ta­tors of this mur­de­rous aggres­sion cannot escape justice simply because of the gap in the inter­na­tio­nal cri­mi­nal jurisdiction.

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